Exciting opportunity for a highly skilled team or solo dev to take over the development of the Earnbase protocol

2 min readSep 8, 2023

After a few years of bumpy roads, it’s time to pass on the Earnbase torch to someone new. We’ve done the groundwork, now you can swoop in and be the hero :)


Earnbase Pro — advanced tool for tracking and managing DeFi:


Only a few of the planned features have been coded, so the app in its current stage is in need of updates to be able to challenge competitors.

The code is not open source. A small code example is available on https://github.com/earnbasefinance/code-example


  • react.js
  • socket.io
  • useDapp
  • redux
  • react-router
  • react-query
  • chakra-ui

Figma design files to further develop the pro app

Lending, managing liquidity, transaction history etc (please ignore the borrowed 3D illustrations from Matcha, they are just being used as placeholders): https://www.figma.com/file/KQrhYPq0NKQM84QItQMfFJ/Earnbase-%E2%80%93-UI%2FUX?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=design&t=r699nqKFdEfpcYHu-1

Partially completed Figma design files for a simple mobile app to take DeFi to the masses

A super user-friendly app with basic features such as staking and a savings account.

Current treasury holdings:

38,932 USDC + 2,500 USDT + 1,71449 ETH + 144,373 ENB* (100K team tokens & 44,373 for ecosystem rewards)


*100,000 ENB team tokens are in the treasury. This is 100% of all tokens allocated to the team at launch as none of it were ever paid out.


Roughly 74% of total supply is now in circulation

Ecosystem Rewards (currently 261,759 ENB remaining) — 4% monthly releases until it runs out (20+ years) https://etherscan.io/address/0xc89dc40fd7d308763ec1e7a8df13a8d00676e547

Current recurring expenses:

Roughly $1K/mo (APIs + hosting)

Interested in taking over?

Post your application by making a post in the forum: https://earnbase.org/forum

Applicants will be vetted, those that pass will move on to step 2 which is the governance vote to decide whom will take over.




All-in-one DeFi management… made simple. Earn, save and swap tokens from a single dashboard.